Tuesday, 3 December 2013


According to a resent interview with our former vice president where he confess not to have stolen public fund to set up AUN project here is an exerct below from the INFORMATION NEWS: Former Vice President Atiku Abubakar has said that the American University of Nigeria AUN in Yola was developed to itspresent status by his personalresources.Speaking, weekend, at the 8thannual founder’s dayceremony of the University inYola, Atiku recalled with nostalgia, the events that preceded theestablishments of the Universityas he paid tribute to the firstPresident of the University,David Huwiler.“I recalled with deep emotionsand tribute to the firstPresident of the AmericanUniversity David Huwiler whom Ibrought to the virgin landbefore the university projectcommenced. When I took Huwilerto the virgin land on which theuniversity stands today heasked me where the universityis and I told him here,” Atikusaid.Atiku stated that towards theend of his tenure people startto nurture the thinking that theuniversity project will stop asmany thought that he was usinghis position to steal the moneyused in building the university.“Towards the end of mytenure, Huwiler left theUniversity thinking that if I quitoffice the University project willstop thinking that I use theprivileges of my office to stealfunds to build the university.“But it is now glaring that Iam not abusing my office to fundthe university as it continues togrow years after I left office”,he stated.Atiku lauded the currentPresident of the UniversityMergee Ensign whom he said hastransformed the university morethan any of her predecessors.“She has transformed theUniversity more than any of herpredecessors in the areas ofleadership and support. I wantyou to help me thank her” hestated.Also speaking at the event, AUNpresident, Mergee Ensign saidapart from imparting knowledgeto the students, the universitygives back to the hostcommunity through conductingpeace initiatives, teaching members of the community vocational skills and exchangingideas for development of research.

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