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Wednesday, 18 December 2013
For free cheat for all network,phone code,group chat,you guys can only get all this guddies on one ogboge site you dönt need to rally around friends or steal from mum and dad to browse again just get the free cheat and you are good to go.Visit this site,sign in in 2 second and get going.Visit
Sunday, 15 December 2013
JONZZ'S BLOG: what these shit all about?
JONZZ'S BLOG: what these shit all about?: See Miley graping fans boob.from TMZ. Miley Cyrus twerking on Santa Claus ... underneath his big red crotch last night. She didn'...
Monday, 9 December 2013
what these shit all about?
She didn't seem too creepy ... until she grabbed a little teat.
Then she, began to wave her tongue and shake her ass on sexy reindeer treats.
And what a laugh it would have been, if Billy Ray walked in ...
And saw Miley twerking Santa Claus last night.
Oh yeah, this all went down at the Jingle Ball concert in L.A. last night, and you gotta see the pics. Easily, the creepiest Santa of all time.
I dont hate drake even though i hate nike....Kanye west
Sources close to Yeezus tell us ... Kanye is still real upset with the Swoosh for refusing to give him royalties for a shoe line. But we're told when he found out about Drake's new partnership with Nike for his own special OVO Air Jordans, Kanye was proud.
As one source put it, "Kanye will always be happy with rappers taking steps in the fashion world."
PDP governors want Bamanga Tukur sacked
The PDP governors came to this conclusion after a meeting in Abuja.
The governors concluded that his style of administration had stirred up discord in the party since his election in 2012.
They have ordered that the a new replacement should be found from the North East geo-political zone for Tukur before he steps down at the March 2014 mid-term special convention.
The former Bauchi State governor, Adamu Mauzu, who lost the election to Tukur in 2012 is believed to be in contention for the post when it is vacant by March next year.
Thursday, 5 December 2013
Jonathan Is Disconnected From Nigerians, APC Says
Opposition political party, the All Progressive Congress (APC), on Wednesday lambasted the government of President Goodluck Jonathan, saying his administration has disconnected from Nigerians.
The party made the assertion while offering an assessment of the current security problems bedeviling Nigeria, especially the recent bombing of military airport bases in the Northeastern city of Maiduguri, capital of Borno State.
Speaking in Abuja, the APC’s national chairman, Bisi Akande, accused Mr. Jonathan of being disconnected from the travails of the Nigerian people.
Mr. Akande said that the gradual deterioration of security and mounting civilian casualties were symptomatic of the “failure of intelligence, political naivety and disconnect between President Goodluck Jonathan’s administration and current realities of the Nigerian situation.”
The opposition politician claimed that, rather than face the business of governance, Mr. Jonathan had been using both the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) and the Independent Corrupt Practices Commission (ICPC) to harass members of the opposition.
Accusing the president of pursuing political persecution, Mr. Akande added that Mr. Jonathan must realize that corruption is endemic under his government.
PHOTO:Beyonce Shares Fun & Sexy Vacation Photos with the Family!
The singer and Jay-Z -- who celebrates his 44th birthday today -- recently vacationed in Jamaica with their beautiful family.
Beyonce took to her Tumblr page to share some fun and sexy photos from their romantic getaway.
In one shot, the hip-hop power couple look adorable (and in love), and in another we see baby Blue Ivy rocking one awesome leather jacket.
The pop star also posted some super sexy bikini-clad pics from the beach. Striking one fierce pose in a metallic bikini, Bey showed off her seriously fit figure -- yeah, we hate her.more pics after the cut...
Tuesday, 3 December 2013
According to a resent interview with our former vice president where he confess not to have stolen public fund to set up AUN project here is an exerct below from the INFORMATION NEWS: Former Vice President Atiku Abubakar has said that the American University of Nigeria AUN in Yola was developed to itspresent status by his personalresources.Speaking, weekend, at the 8thannual founder’s dayceremony of the University inYola, Atiku recalled with nostalgia, the events that preceded theestablishments of the Universityas he paid tribute to the firstPresident of the University,David Huwiler.“I recalled with deep emotionsand tribute to the firstPresident of the AmericanUniversity David Huwiler whom Ibrought to the virgin landbefore the university projectcommenced. When I took Huwilerto the virgin land on which theuniversity stands today heasked me where the universityis and I told him here,” Atikusaid.Atiku stated that towards theend of his tenure people startto nurture the thinking that theuniversity project will stop asmany thought that he was usinghis position to steal the moneyused in building the university.“Towards the end of mytenure, Huwiler left theUniversity thinking that if I quitoffice the University project willstop thinking that I use theprivileges of my office to stealfunds to build the university.“But it is now glaring that Iam not abusing my office to fundthe university as it continues togrow years after I left office”,he stated.Atiku lauded the currentPresident of the UniversityMergee Ensign whom he said hastransformed the university morethan any of her predecessors.“She has transformed theUniversity more than any of herpredecessors in the areas ofleadership and support. I wantyou to help me thank her” hestated.Also speaking at the event, AUNpresident, Mergee Ensign saidapart from imparting knowledgeto the students, the universitygives back to the hostcommunity through conductingpeace initiatives, teaching members of the community vocational skills and exchangingideas for development of research.
Friday, 29 November 2013
Thursday, 28 November 2013
Look Chika Ike’s Posh Office In Her Lekki Mansion
Beautiful Nollywood actress and business woman, Chika Ike moved into her multi-million naira mansion in Lekki, Lagos state some months back.
According to report, the house has a swimming pool, gym room, private office, car port, garden, massive walk in closet and a state of art interior.
Now, Chika Ike is letting us see what the inside of her office space looks like.
more pics after the cut.......
According to report, the house has a swimming pool, gym room, private office, car port, garden, massive walk in closet and a state of art interior.
Now, Chika Ike is letting us see what the inside of her office space looks like.
Chipmunk and Karen Igho
Trouble had reportedly started on Monday when two lecturers in the institution’s Faculty of Arts, Dr. Adeyemi Daramola of the English Department and Dr. Michael Ogbeide of the History Department walked out of the chapter’s congress and called a press conference insisting that lecturers were tired of ASUU’s leadership style of not taking into consideration members’ positions on the five-month-old strike.
The lecturers had alleged that the national secretariat of ASUU had concluded plans to postpone the resumption of the union to January, 2014 as against members’ position nationwide which they claimed directed the NEC to consider President Goodluck Jonathan’s new offer. They therefore insisted that if the strike is not called off this week, the university would be forced to back out.
However, the Chairman of the chapter, Dr. Oghenekaro Ogbinaka, who had previously refused to comment on the matter, issued a press statement accusing the duo of being “misguided, disgruntled and paid Judases. They were hell bent to deliver on the mission of betrayal for which they have been paid.”
“At the Congress Meeting of November 25, 2013 that also had the Ibadan Zone’s leadership -Congress overwhelmingly reaffirmed its commitment and unalloyed support to the leadership of ASUU in its effort to resolve the remaining grey areas in its discussion with the Federal Government of Nigeria," he said.
Ghana’s Ameyo Releases The Reflections Collection – Spring/Summer 2014
Ghana’s Ameyo Releases The Reflections Collection – Spring/Summer 2014.cee photos from the collections and choose the one you like.

Are We Seriously Doing This Again, Nicki Minaj?
Hey, do you guys remember about Nicki Minaj? It's been a
while since we've had a reason to talk about her, so girl had to get us
talking again some way. So what did she do? Did she release some new
music? Did she make an announcement about new music? Did she do anything
at all pertaining to music, which is supposed to be her actual career?
Nah, she just Instagrammed a bunch of photos of her cleavage. You know, because it's Nicki Minaj.
That particular one up there though, it's the most ridiculous thing she's done in a while. Because she posted it with the caption "Hello kitty slippers." Because if you get past her "sexy" face and boom, her boobs, then you can see a tiny little bit of her slippers. It's just ... why? Why does it have to be this way? Is this her new career? Are we all going crazy? What is happening?!.Cee more pics
Nah, she just Instagrammed a bunch of photos of her cleavage. You know, because it's Nicki Minaj.
That particular one up there though, it's the most ridiculous thing she's done in a while. Because she posted it with the caption "Hello kitty slippers." Because if you get past her "sexy" face and boom, her boobs, then you can see a tiny little bit of her slippers. It's just ... why? Why does it have to be this way? Is this her new career? Are we all going crazy? What is happening?!.Cee more pics
Saturday, 23 November 2013
2face inspire fire of zamani,ice prince open
Frontline rapper, Ice Prince Zamani is one artiste who hasbeen consistent in his style ofmusic since he arrived theNigerian entertainment scene.As a result, he has beenchurning out hit singles after hitsingles making him a force toreckon with, as far as thenation’s music industry isconcerned. The ‘Aboki’crooner is gearing up today toofficially launch his second studiowork, Fire of Zamani.Ice princeAccording to him, “ Fire ofZamani is my second studioalbum and it dropped on teh11th of November. It’s available right now and it’s an18- track album produced byChopsticks, Don Jazzy.”The album featured the likes ofRubby, MI, Jesse Jangz, Whizkid,Sunny Neji, Jeremiah Gyang,Sound Sultan, DJ, Caise, Morell,DJ Edu, Wale, among othermusicians.He also disclosed what informedthe title of his album, saying “Iheard Fire of Zamani from one ofTuface’s songs. I cannotremember that particular song.He wasn’t talking about mebut he was singing somethingtotally different. I got inspired bythat.”The event, holding at Eko Hotelsand Suites, Victoria Island,according to the sensationalrapper, will feature topmusicians like Olumide, MI, NigerianAmerican rapper, Wale, Britishrapper, Chipmunk, Yung L, BurnaBoy, among others.“This concert will launch the album. It is being put togetherby Chocolate City and KilimanjaroEntertainment. I have supportfrom my colleagues like BurnaBoy, Jeremiah Gyang, Sunny Neji,Wale, DJ Caise, among other"
Amazing:Pregnant woman caught on camera'hitting belly with a hammer after boasting her baby is hard'
HeatherThorpe,24,filmed'hitting her tuming twice',weeks before birth baby's father Sean Hanlon shared footage after police didn't press charges. West Midlands Police Investigated case but 'no criminal offences found'she was caught hitting her baby with a claw hammer when she confess that her baby is too hard.AMAZING LOL.
Interview:Nobody forced me to change my religion
Liz Anjorin comes out to address what people as been saying about her recent change of religion belief. This the exact from her interview.Is that how people just switch?My name is still Liz. I amElizabeth Aishat Anjorin. I havealways been a Muslim. It is justthat I am a very confidentialperson; not many people knowabout it. That is why it soundsnew to so many people now.So how come it became apublic knowledge and iseven causing side talkshere and there?It was because I went on Hajj.That was how so many peoplegot to know about my religion.You know that my name isElizabeth, a Biblical name; sowhen I went on Hajj, everybodyhad to notice that I practiseIslam.Have you always been aMuslim?My father was a Christian andmy mother was a Muslim. Aftermy mother’s death, I decidedto practise her religion. Evenbefore her death, I had wantedto go for Hajj but there was nochance.Stories started flying roundwhen this story broke.Some said you found a rich‘Alhaji’ who insisted youmust convert to Islambefore he married you…People must talk and if they don’t, they will die. But to answeryour question, I don’t thinksuch can happen. I don’t seewhy any man would tell me tochange my religion before he canmarry me. Funny enough, myboyfriend is not even an Alhaji.Going on Hajj was something Idesired. It is not even meant forMuslims alone. If you believe inGod, go to the Holy City andpray to your God and yourprayers would be answered.People from all over the worldcome there.Was your baby’s father aMuslim?Oh yes. The baby’s late fatherwas a Muslim. He gave mydaughter a Muslim name. We allbelieve in one God. There is nodichotomy. I don’t have tojudge anybody and say theperson’s religion is bad. Weare all one before God. I am stillproud of my name, Elizabeth. It isjust that when you go for Hajjand come back, you have to bemore modest. It is just that I amhuman and I am a young ladywho is still single. I am free tolive my life. If I get married andmy husband wants me to beEleha (woman in purdah), then Iwill do it. If I marry a pastor andmy husband wants me to be apastor, I will do it. I have to besubmissive to my husband. Fornow, I am a young girl, so I thinkI am still free to follow my heartand do what I want to do. Butwhen you go for hajj, you havethe fear of God and you believein God.So you have changed sinceyou came back?Yes. Before now, I could doanything. I could talk anyhow.But now, I caution myself. I can’t destroy myself talking theway other people talk.Did you go to Mecca sothat people will perceiveyou as a nice, holy lady?Anybody who is saying such mustbe jobless. I saw all thecomments people posted on theInternet because of my trip toMecca. I know some people said Iwas a bad girl and I wanted tolive a holy life and that was whyI had to go to Hajj. Those peoplewho say such, have they everseen me in a party? Have theyseen me where I shouldn’t be?I am not a saint but I know Ihave been a wonderful person. Ifa lady like me can work and dosome other things withoutanybody’s knowledge, thenpeople should pray for me.Anybody saying such negativething hasn’t seen me. It is noteasy. If a guy of 27 can ask meout, then you know that I am avery decent lady to the core. Ifyou keep yourself decent, itshows on your body. I don’tfix nails except on location. I don’t wear fake eye lashes. I don’t smoke, I don’t drink. Icherish my sleep at night. I don’t club, I cover my body. Sowhy would anybody term me abad girl? If I were bad, I wouldbe struggling. I am not sayingthat I am a saint but I will say itagain and again, I am a verydecent girl. I don’t misuse mybody. Do I even have that time?You don’t smoke, you don’t drink and you don’tdo so many bad things butwas it not reported thatyou and Iyabo Ojo foughtover a man back then?Anybody who says such is justjobless. It is so annoying. Youdon’t judge anybody. You don’t even have the right to dothat. Let them talk. That is theirheadache. I am not going to sayanything.But there is a recentpicture where you dressedso sexy. You didn’t wearthe long dresses ….If I am at a movie location,nothing stops me from dressingthat way. Even when I am notat a location, I have never reallydressed seductively. I don’treveal my body. I always covermy body. it is very hard forpeople to know that I evenwear tattoo. It is only at alocation or when you see posterpictures that you would knowthat. There is a differencebetween your personality andyour job. For a malegynaecologist who is an Alhaji,don’t women open their legsfor him to check them? It is hisprofession. People should pleasecorrect this impression. I am anactress. If I am given a role, Imust interpret it. We arepreaching and trying to correctanomalies with our movies. Weare just acting. Even withoutgoing to Mecca or Jerusalem, Ihave never liked dressingseductively. You can still bebeautiful without exposing yourbody. The more you are evencovered up, the more beautifulyou look. So, the picture yousaw is a poster picture. I havealways worn long gowns and Ibet you, I look more beautifulthan those who wear scantyattires. Attending event is partof my job; if I weren’t acelebrity, I could wear anythingto any event and nobody wouldnotice. But I am a role model. Ilove to wear something unique. Iam a young lady. The way youdress attracts the calibre ofpeople that come to you. If youdress decently, mature mindsapproach you. If you dress in afunny way, such people will cometo you.So many people wouldexpect you to finally settledown now…People believe it is one Alhajithat sent me to Mecca. Ok o;when it is time for me to getmarried, I will let them know. Itmight be tomorrow, it might benext. I don’t know the timebut everybody will know whenwe get there. All I am interestedin is my business.You are into business aswell?Oh yes. I am into fashion. I havea fashion house and it keeps meso busy. I buy clothes from somany countries and I sell.Have you left acting?No. I am working on my newmovie,Kofo the First Lady. It isa sequel to Kofo Tinubu. Wehave the same characters in themovie but different story.So you and Iyabo Ojo havefully made up, no morequarrel?No. we don’t have any quarrelwhatsoever. She even featuredin my movie. I don’t have anywahala with anybody. We aredoing so fine, so great.Which faction of Associationof Nigerian TheatrePractitioners do you belongto?I am a member of ANTP. I don’t belong to any faction. All Iknow is that I am an actress. Ibelong to my shop and mybusiness. I don’t know what isgoing on there. If you ask mewhat is happening in my shop, Iwill tell you the latest.One actress came out tosay publicly that actressesin the Yoruba movieindustry practise lesbianisma lot; are you aware of it?I wouldn’t know I swear. I don’t even have time. As aproducer, if you waste my time, Igo back to my business and myshop. Lesbianism? Haba! I don’tthink Yoruba actresses can dosuch. Yoruba people are wellcultured. If you do any stupidthing, there is something called‘oriki.’ You have to becareful of what you do. And thatis why I always say the way youdress will determine how peoplewill approach you. They can’tapproach me. How will you eventhink of ‘toasting’ me whenyou are a woman? Before youwill even open your mouth toask me out, I will slap you andbeg God for forgiveness. Whywould I get into such when menare everywhere searching for wives.Source Punch.
Kongo Aso master(9ice) will be getting married to the mother of his twins soon.
Shortly after his marriage to ex-wife Toni Payne packed up in2010, 9ice welcomed a set oftwin daughters with anotherlady Vicki Gordis.In a recent interview withPunch, 9ice disclosed that he will begetting married soon to themother of his twins, Vicki.See excerpts below:Do we see you gettingmarried to their mothersoon?I will get married soon. It is verypossible.So, will you be gettingmarried to the mother ofthe twins?It is very possible.But is she the one you arewith at the moment?I am not saying anything on that. No comment.What of your first son?He is very fine. He is in Americaat the moment with his mum.Education is good in Nigeria butwe wanted him to grasp ahigher quality of education. Hismum decided to go back toAmerica so he had to go withher.Do you communicate withthem often?Oh yes, I was even in Americalast month.How involved are you in hiswelfare?I have never been left out. Ihave always been involved in hiswelfare right from the time hewas born till now. It will be likethat till I give up.You have not really talkedabout your marriage withTony Payne?News is always aboutassumptions and rumours andgossips. It is left for people topick out the meat. The mediahas already stolen the showfrom me. There is nothing totalk about again. I was one ofthe crowd and I was watching asthe news were flying.Do you regret thatmarriage?I don’t. I have neverregretted that marriage. I haveso many reasons.What are the reasons?It is not only because of my son.Without that marriage, I will notbe here today. I see life from adifferent perspective now. Thereare things that are inevitable.So, many things are bound tohappen in life and there isnothing you can do about it.When such things happen, youhave to face it. You only haveto manage it when it happensand from there, you move ahead. If you don’t move aheadfrom that situation, you willnever go to the next level.Is it likely you will get outof the marriage institutionwhen you go into it again?I pray I don’t. I always saythat marriage is not for thisgeneration and a lot of peoplequestion me when I say it. Mymother would always be in thehouse by 5.30 pm. Whether mydad gave her feeding money ornot, there must be food on thetable when he got home. Mymother would give us school feeswhether my father gave her ornot. But women of these days,even when the husband is athome, the wife can come homelater than 10pm and nothingwould happen. She would evenstop by the eatery and buydinner instead of cooking. Theprinciples God lay down for thisinstitution is not there again.What we have now is ‘manageinstitution.’ So, whateversituation we find ourselves in, weshould manage it and then therewon’t be any trouble. Now,how many marriages last?Because it is 9ice’s marriage,everybody is talking about it.Check your neighbour. It happenseverywhere.Why did you deny you hadtwins when they were born?I did say I didn’t have twinsthen because I believe it waspersonal. If I have N1m, I think itis onlymy account’s officerthat should know how much Ihave. In fact, he wouldn’teven have the right to checkmy account unless I ask him todo that. He couldn’t just cullup my account details and startchecking how much I have. This isnot a car we are talking about,these are human beings.But when they grow up, doyou think they will forgiveyou when they read thatyou once denied them?I will tell them the reason I didthat. It was the same way myfather gave me his own reasons.I didn’t know him until I was22. I got to know my motherwhen I was 18. They gave metheir reasons for doing whatthey did. I asked my fatherwhere he was all the time I wasgrowing up and he told mewhere and how and when hewas a part of my life. If my kidsgrow up to ask me why I didwhat I did, I would certainlyexplain to them. I didn’t say Ididn’t have kids just because Iwanted to lie, No. I had myreasons. I had my life to live. You are in showbiz, so youshouldn’t expect to havea private life…But there are still someelements that are personal. Ididn’t fight anybody when thestories came out. I just didn’tsay anything because I wasn’tready to talk about it. I wasn’t ready to share the story.When I got ready, I even sharedthe pictures of the twins. Who knows, I could have even used their pictures to make money and sell to a publication thatwanted them. But I just released the pictures.
Monday, 18 November 2013
Photo:Pregnate Mums Rub Each Other's Baby Bump
Pregnant Mums Kaffy& Toyin Lawani Rub Each Other’s Baby Bump Successful fashion designer Toyin Lawani and dancer/choreographer Kaffy attended celebrity lovebirds Peter Okoye of P-Square and Lola Omotayo’swedding.At the event which took place yesterday, both women who are pregnant were spotted rubbing each others baby bump.
News:Jimoh Ibrahim was arrested over #6.8billion tax fraud.
Saharareporters just learned that the Special Enforcement Unit of Federal Inland RevenueService has arrested shady businessman, Jimoh Ibrahim, overa tax fraud that runs into N6.8billion.Sources within the unit told Saharareporters that Mr. Ibrahim was picked up today and is currently under detention at the offices of the agency.According to one source, “Weare investigating a case where Chief Ibrahim, defrauded thefederal government to the tuneof N6.8 billion.He is in our custody, we takeintend to take a statement fromthe suspect under caution”, headded.One of our sources said Mr. Mr.Ibrahim have been evadingagents of the unit for some time but disclosed that the eventually caught up with him in his hotel room in NICON Luxury Hotel where he was arrested this afternoon in Abuja.Mr. Ibrahim emerged into national prominence under former President Olusegun Obasanjo,where he was frequently described as an insurance magnate after a questionable sale of the state owned NICON insurance company to Mr. Ibrahim He subsequently became a player in the media industry through the controversial purchase of Newswatch magazine and also asa proprietor of Air Nigeria. An airline closed down last year dueto safety concerns and Ibrahim’s inability to meet financial obligations to staff, lessors and maintenance engineers and aircraft parts suppliers.After Mr. Ibrahim’s purchase of Newswatch, the original directors, including Ray Ekpu,accused Mr. Ibrahim of hijackingNewswatch without meeting theterms of acquisition as amajority stakeholder. His troubles in aviation sectorcame to light when one of histop level employee, John Nnoromturned into a whistleblower anddisclosed to Saharareporters ofthe airline’s extensive violationof maintenance standards andfinancial fraud. Also, Aersale an aircraft lease company sued him in New Yorkcourt seeking a huge payment representing Air Nigeria unpaid obligations under the term ofthe lease.Mr.Ibrahim is known to have extensive political connection with former President Obasanjo as well top members of the Goodluck Jonathan regime.
Sunday, 17 November 2013
Lamentation:D banj feel sorry.
D banj feel sorry for not attending Peter Okoye and Lola Omotayo's wedding.He is currently in South Africa for a show anyway.Congrate on his behave though he didn't send me o.Lol
Sad News:Femi Sylvster Mayomi,father u turn is dead.
.The singer, who was popular for his hit songs like “Yetunde” reportedly died in a car accidental though a friend has denied these claims by revealing that he died due to kidney complications.May his gentle soul rest in peace.Amen
Saturday, 16 November 2013
HARP RHYTHM UNPLUGGED 2013 Presents Bovi in"The Defender"
Flytime Promotions, Rhythm 93.7, Channel O and HARP Lager present to you once again....Harp Rhythm Unplugged
Artists Performing: P Square, Dbanj, 2face, Wizkid, Davido, Banky W, Burna Boy, Olamide, Ice Prince, Dr Sid, Omawumi, Waje, Sean Tizzle, KCEE, Tonye, Jared, DJ Jimmy Jat and all the way from South Africa....... Mafikozolo
Comedy by: Basketmouth, I Go Dye, Gordons, Seyi Law, Buchi and Apororo,
Regular: 7,000 and VIP 30,000
Tickets sold by and all NaijaTicketshop outlets in Eko Hotel, Silverbird Cinemas and Ozone Cinemas.
For Corporate and Table Bookings call : 08165025419
This show is for 18yrs and Older.Strictly 18
BREAKING NEWS: Senior Lawyer, Yahaya Mahmud, Found Dead In His Office
Mr. Mahmud, a Senior Advocate of Nigeria, died on Friday evening in his private office on Bank Road, Kaduna.
A family member, who spoke to journalist, said Mr. Mahmud was found dead inside his office.
The deceased uncle, Mahmud Mahmud, told journalist at the deceased's residence that the corpse has been brought to the house, located at Gobarau Road, U/rimi GRA area of Kaduna.
Mr. Mahmud is from Zaria, Kaduna State.
He is expected to be buried on Saturday in Kaduna by 9 a.m. according to Islamic rites
Could life be buy with money?.Iyayi's Family Condemns N50b Demand From Kogi Government
Relations and sympathisers console Mrs. Grace Iyayi, the widow of former president of ASUU, Late Prof. Festus Iyayi, at Ekosodin in Benin City
Benin City, Edo state - The family of the late former President of the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU), Prof. Festus Iyayi, have disawoved themselves from the N50 billion demand made by the Kogi State government over Iyayi's death. Members of the family said no amount of money can compensate for the loss
Anambra poll result unacceptable without votin in all local government says APC
The All Progressives Congress (APC) has warned that it will not accept the results of today’s governorship election in Anambra State unless there is voting in all local governments areas,especially in the party's strongholds of Idemili North and South, as well as Akwa South. Ina statement issued in Lagos by its Interim National Publicity Secretary, Alhaji Lai Mohammed,the party also condemned the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) for its “apparently-contrived logistic snightmare” that has left thousands of voters unable to exercise their franchise, and demanded the immediate removal of the “incompetent and conniving” Resident Electoral Commissioner for Anambra, Prof.Chukwuemeka Onukogu.APC said it was totally astonished to learn that INEC has confirmed that materials meant for Idemili North Local Government, whichhas 180,000 voters, have been hijacked, without saying who hijacked the ballot papers and why, and without explaining why the materials meant for strong holds of the All Peoples Grand Alliance and the Peoples Democratic Party were not hijacked. Equally astonishing, the party said, is the fact that the voter registers for Idemili South,the direct Local Government of the APC candidate, Dr. Chris Ngige, did not contain the names ofvoters in the local government,despite the assurances of INEC Chairman Attahiru Jega. ''Before the election, political parties were given voter's registers that largely contained the names of most voters.However, about four days to the election, Prof Jega said at an interactive stakeholders forumthat there were problems with the registers which would berectified before the election. ''However, when the supposedly-corrected registers were brought back, most of theauthentic names in them have disappeared, without explanation,'' it said. APC said it also complained about the fact that Prof Onukogu was very partialand unprofessional when he conducted the 2011 election.''In 2011, when Prof. Onukogu conducted the general elections in the state, he was very partial.During the Onitsha South 2 House of Assembly constituency and Idemili South House of Assembly polls, he declared the results of both inconclusive, only for him to announce the results at 12 midnight.After we challenged the results incourt and a rerun was ordered,we won both constituencies. ''We subsequently petitioned INEC and the Commission assured us that the same person will not be allowed to conduct subsequent election. Alas, he was left in place to do another damage to INEC as an institution through his glaring incompetence and partiality,which have seriously affected the credibility of this governorship election.
Interview:Cossy Orjiakor resent interview,i will cover my boob when i get old
Like her or hate her, three things are bound to endear you to Cossy Orjiakor. They are; hertfriendliness, intelligence and boldness to discuss issues affecting her personality as well as her acting career. These attributes played out last week when Showtime Celebrity ran into her, and later engaged her in an interview. Cossy bares it all, dropping the bombshell that men are at her beck and call. She also dropped the hint that she will be getting married next year and many more…We learnt that you have insured your boobs for N256 million. Is ittrue?It’s not true. Sometimes, some of these bloggers just cook upstuffs that are not true. But it sounds so interesting, that’s why I didn’t want to confirm whether it’s true or not. Let the story just be.Why don’t you want to talk about it?It’s because the story is afiction. Somebody just cooked itup. I don’t know anything about it. I didn’t tell anybody I’m insuring my boobs. It’ssomething that somebody just cooked up somewhere. The story didn’t generate from me neither did it generate from myTwitter handle or Instagram.*Cossy But do you have the intention to insure your boobs ?I might do it, or not. But I don’t want to talk about my boobshere.Your face have been missing onthe silver screen, have you dumped acting for music?I’d act when I am invited, and when the pay is considerable. I wouldn’t be put under pressure. At least, I have done two movies this year. I can’t go to people’s offices to beg for roles. When I was hungry, I used to go to producers to beg for roles. But now, I am no longer hungry.Although, I am planning to come out with a TV reality show. The show will hit the screen before the end of February, next year. I have somebody who is helping me to develop the concept. It is about the living conditions of most Nigerians. I don’t want to talk much about it until it hits the screen.Don’t you think, you are being misunderstood by your critics?That’s not my business what people think about me. But it’s my business what I think about myself. I feel good, I’m happy, Iam myself and I’m not a fake person. Yet I have a lot of fans who love me. People tend top retend a lot. When you are simple and down-to- earth, they will not want to identify with you.I don’t fake myself. Life is all about having fun, and what is the best time for me to catch my fun than now that I’m still young, and not when I’m old and gone.Are you still doing your music?Yes, I’m still doing my music.Once in a while, I go for private shows where I am well paid. But I have not graced a big stage. I’m doing music for the love of it.When you love something, it does not matter what it take you to do it. I’m not in a hurry, one step at a time. When I am in a mood to do music, I do it. I am not doing music to make millions of naira or to compete with anybody. I am doing music because of the passion I have for it.Are you working on any album at the moment?I have some songs already and my video has been released online. I featured Durella in my single.Do you feel hurt each time,people address you as queen of boobs?That word was first used by BBC focus on Africa when they described me as Queen of Boobs. I am okay with whatever you choose to call me.How often do you get angry?I stock my house with food stuff.So, each time I’m angry, I keep on eating and eating until I get satisfied.Is Cossy in love?Now or before?Both now and before?At the moment, I have a lot of people that love me. I’d fall in love. But when I dating someone, I hate to make it a public affair. I can’t even take a picture with my man in public. But I can take pictures with my fans. Anybodyyou see me pose for a shot is my fan. I wouldn’t even agree to share the same table with my man at a function. This, for me, isa way of avoiding people raising eyebrows.Are you saying that you are notin love at the moment?I don’t know! Anyway, I will be getting married come next year.You mean, you are getting married for real?A woman get married when she is ready to get married. I will get married next year or I will makea baby next year.Who is the lucky man?I don’t know.What stands out among other celebrities?I don’t know, everybody is made in the image of God.What do you do when you are not on set, or performing?Anything that makes me happy.Whatever I want I get it. If I want a man, I can always get him. Infact, men are the cheapest thing to get in life. I have a lot of admirers. I can always get one if Iso wish. When a man say hi! And you reply him, you can always woo him to yourself if you like.Are women not cheap too?A woman will run after you because of what she will gain from you.How many passes do you get pereach passing day from men basis?If I’m in a mood to chat with a man, I do it wholeheartedly. But you will hardly see me in the company of a man. I don’t want to give away myself or make public exhibition of my relationship. I prefer to pay hide and seek game.Will the man in your life agree to your terms?I don’t know what you mean by the man in my life. But the one I know will not like to make it public.Do you always feel noticed or shy each time you attend a social gathering?Each time, I attend a function, Idon’t even feel that people are looking at me. I will just catch my fun, but whereby I’m not catching any fan, I will quickly leave the place.What’s you kind of man?It depends on what I want at a particular time. But I like well built young men with flat tummies. Ican take pictures with them.Have you been embarrassed before in connection with your boobs?I don’t even give room for such things. Nobody can walk up to me to do any nonsense. You dare not try it. My boobs are real, full and fresh. When you see good things, you appreciate them. But don’t dare to touch them. You know what is good. When I’m old and my boobs are not firm anymore, I will cover them.Is your boobs your greatest gift from God?I don’t know, life is the greatest gift.What’s the difference between now and when you first joined Nollywood?I’m older now and more wiser than when I first ventured into acting. Then I used to dance for Obesere’s band, and there was this beautiful album I was doing with them, before tongue started wagging that I shouldn’t be dancing for Obesere because of my academic qualification.That was how I abandoned the band. But right now, I am older, I will return fire-for-fire to anybody that will make me feel bad at any point in time. I don’t keep people with negative thoughts around me. I mingle with people with positive minds.Would you say life has been fair to you?I’m living a life I have always imagined for myself. I live well. God has been kind to me. I live in a beautiful home. I have a dog and more over, I eat whatever I want to eat. I get massaged whenever I need it. Each time, I need to be massaged, I always call up a friend who helps me out.You love dogs a lot?I have three dogs as pets. I call them different names. One is called Caesar while the other is called Gabriel and so on.It was rumoured sometime ago that you made love to a dog?Have you watched the movie. If you have not watched it then you have no right to ask meany thing about the movie.I watched it mid-way!Was I naked or not? When you make love to your wife, do you go naked or you put on your clothes? So, if I wasn’t naked that’s means I wasn’t making love to the dog. For me to make love to the dog, I should be naked.When she was ask in an interview If you have the chance to come back to life, would you still want to be Cossy?This is what she said,I love myself, my boobs and my voice. My friensd told me that myvoice sounds very sexy. I also have this smile of a baby. God has been so kind to me. At least, I live in my own house in Lekki. I eat anything I want to eat, and I don’t seek for attention, I drive aposh car. What else can I ask for?A husband or a baby.
An 18 year old boy kills father with concrete blocks in Osun.
Wonder they say shall never end.How would a son be so inhuman to the existence of killing his biologycal father.Read this and learn from it.An 18-year-old boy,Olalekan Adetoyinbo, who residesin the Irojo neighbourhood ofIlesa, Osun, on Wednesday killed his 56-year-old father, Mr.Ayodele Adetoyinbo.According to a report reaching us from the stable of vanguard says;The incident occurred on Wednesday evening, while the boy had since been arrested bythe police for interrogation.The suspect, on returning from school, had a heated argument with his father, who had accused him of stealing some empty containers.The boy reportedly hit his father on the head with broken concrete blocks and the man could not recover from the injury inflicted on him.The man was reportedly rushedto a nearby hospital, where he died.DSP Folashade Odoro, the PolicePublic Relations Officer (PPRO) in Osun, who spoke on behalf of the Commissioner of Police, Mrs Dorothy Gimba, confirmed the incident to newsmen in Osogbo on Friday.Odoro said that the suspect was arrested by a team of police detectives attached to the Police‘B’ Division in Ijamo, Ilesa, for murder, adding that the boy had made a confessional statement to the police.“Argument ensued between the boy and his father; he hit his father’s head with cement blocks and the man sustained serious injury on his head which led to his death,” she said.The PPRO said that the police commissioner had since ordered a full-scale investigation into the incident, adding that the matter would later be referred to the court for prosecution.End time
Catholic church leader disagree over choice of Ngige,Ubah and Obiano.
Confusion don start in Anambra ooo.Lol. Attempt by leaders of catholic church in Anambra State to agree on who the church would support in today’s decisive election of a new governor in the state failed as they could not decide whether to ask their followers to vote for Senator Chris Ngige of the APC, Ifeanyi Ubah of the Labour Party or Willie Obiano of APGA.The meeting which was said to have been convened by Archbishop Valerian Okeke of the Onitsha Archdiocese, ended infiasco as Nnewi Diocese were said to have walked away in protest when they suggested that Ubah should be placed as their first choice,The suggestion of Nnewi Diocese that Ubah should be place as first choice was because he is currently building a cathedral for them at Nnewi but majority others were said to have preferred Ngige, adding that he should either be placed as number one choice or nothing else.However, Archbishop Okeke who presided over the meeting, was said to have declared both candidates ‘no victor, not vanquished’ and asked all to go home and tell everybody to vote for candidates of their choice.During the meeting, Ngige was said to have emerged tops onthe poll which the church heads conducted with Ifeanyi Ubatrailing second and Obiano thirdbut the APGA elements tried to blackmail Ngige by alleging that President Jonathan doesn’t like Ngige and asked that him (Obiano) be adopted but the blackmail also failed as the argument split the church leaders with some saying that even if Ngige should not be preferred it certainly can not be Obiano that is unknown.It’s like mass return in Anambra The atmosphere in most communities in Anambra State was like there was a declaration for mass return in the state.Except for the Yuletide seasons,the large number of people returning to the communities was tremendous, which was an indication that the voter turnout would be high today.Following the curfew imposed inthe state by the security operatives until the end of the election, travelers to the hinterland besieged most of themotor parks for journey home,although transport fares were unchanged.Party vehicles still moved around till late in the evening yesterday,although the occupants no longer campaigned as they did on Thursday.Because it is an isolated election,thousands of journalists, some of them claiming to be representing funny –sounding newspapers besieged the INEC offices yesterday for accreditation andofficials of the Nigeria Union ofJournalists and INEC had roughtime determining who merited accreditation and who could not.Also hotels in the major cities in the state were fully booked as early as 12 noon yesterday,making some of the visitors stranded.
Friday, 15 November 2013
Some typoon victims survive on coconut juice.Lol
God should just please save us in this end time.About two weeks ago,Prophet Tb Joshua,make a prophesy that there will be a heavy storm in one of the Asian country that we should rise and pray for them.To the comfirmation of this vision,10 thousand human beings were washed away.Imagine o,ten thousand human being not dog,house but human beings were washed away at Phillippine country.This is an extract from cnn report;
More than a week after Typhoon Haiyan laid waste to much of the central Philippines, a health official said Friday that some victims are living off the land.
"One of the impressions is that there was total absence of food and water," Health Undersecretary Janette Garin said in a television interview, according to the state-run Philippine News Agency (PNA). "Some victims survived on coconut juice."
That assessment came as crews were continuing to collect bodies from streets and rubble, raising to 3,621 the national disaster agency's official death count.
The number of injured stood at 12,165, PNA reported. At least 1,140 were missing.
Sickness, hunger and thirst have settled in here with the sticky, humid heat and stench of rancid flesh hanging over the apocalyptic scene.
Survivors in improvised shelters have kept watch over the bodies of their dead relatives.
Juvelyn Taniega tried to keep busy. She collected old dishes and cleaned them, crouching near where her home once stood and the place where she last saw her husband and six children alive.
She's found the bodies of three of her children. "My children are decomposing," she said. In days, she said, no one has come to help and she is still looking for the three still missing.
There are many like her, looking over miles of fields containing the crushed wood and stone that once were their houses.
Cadaver collectors in debris-removal crews uncover some of the dead, while heaving away wreckage from the roads.
Corruption never pay>Police arrest 180 people in Owerri
The Police in Imo said ithad arrested 180 persons with“voter cards’, `INEC identitycards’ and `IndependentObserver identity cards’.The Commissioner of Police in theState, Mohammed Katsina, told anews briefing in Owerri on Thursday that two pump actionrifles, live ammunitions, 15 busesand other incriminating materialswere recovered from thepersons.He said that the persons, who came from Osun, were heading to Anambra ahead of Saturday’s governorship elections.“They were arrested while waiting to link up with their contacts in Anambra.The suspects were on a mission to breach the peace in the state and will beprosecuted.“The security agents and thecommand had worked so hard toattain peace and will not allowany politician, no matter howhighly placed, to compromise it”,he said.One of the suspects, SalawoAyodele, denied the alleged intentto rig the Anambra election.He said they were members of anindependent election monitoringbody called ‘Equity and Justice’ and that they had merelyplanned to go and observe the election.He added that they were givenN10,000 each as allowance for their feeding during their stay in Anambra.
World best player anniversary
Mardrid saturday marks the 10th anniversary of Lionel Mesis's first-team debut with Barcelona,when the Argentine came on as a 16 year old substitute during a friendly match against porto in portugal.Messi said in an interview with Barca Tv"it was a very important moment in my career because i realised a dream that i had had since i was young.I had fought hard to reach this moment,and it was very special". Frank Rijkaard brought on Messi for fernando Navarro in the 75th minute of the inagual match at the Dragoo stadium in 2003,against a porto side managed by Jose Mourinho. Messi wearing the number 14 shirt,the floppy-haired youngstar showed a few flashed of his talent,but Barca lost the game 2-0. Messi said "we enjoyed the game,the experience with the first team,travelling and so on,because it was new for all of us,but when we returned we kept our heads focus on the Juvenile A team,he also said my parents and the coaches told me to enjoy everything i was experiencing and that there was no reason to change,that i should continue in the same vein.I think i ag m still the same person.I still view things the same way,but many years have passed now and i have continue growing,leaning and valuing everything".He is running for a fifth world player of the year award in January bt has been knocked off his stride by a hamstring injury that is expected to keep hin on the sideline for six to eight weeks.The 26 year old Argentine is Barca's leading scorer of all time in the league.He is not expected to be back in action untill after la liga's two weeks winter break at the end of December.
MJ's People Expose Big Stars as Drug
Michael Jackson's people have just thrown Britney Spears, George Michael, Van Halen, Aerosmith and other big names under a big tour bus, because MJ's people have just labeled them hard-core drug abusers just to make a point in a lawsuit.
Here's the deal. Lloyds of London has refused to pay benefits under an insurance policy that AEG took out in case MJ was not able perform for the "This Is It" tour. Lloyds rejected the claim on grounds Michael and AEG defrauded the company by failing to fess up that MJ was a drug abuser.
Now the bus. The Michael Jackson Company (MJC) sued Lloyds, demanding payment. MJC claims in public documents -- obtained by TMZ -- that a number of artists, including Britney, George, Van Halen, Aerosmith, Kings of Leon, AC/DC, Johnny Hallyday and Whitney Houston all were known drug addicts and all of them applied for similar insurance to Lloyds.
MJC wants to see how the other rock stars were treated to determine if Michael is being singled out unfairly.source TMZ REPOT.
star magazine
Kim Kardashian, Simon Cowell, Sam Bailey, Lucy Mecklenburgh, Tom Pearce, Coleen Rooney, Rihanna, Nicole Scherzinger, Lewis Hamilton, Amanda Holden, Lauren Silverman, Michelle Keegan, Mark Wright.more from star magazine
Rhianna begs Simon Cowell to sign up X Factor's Tamera Foster<>
The 25-year-old Diamonds singer says: “I got sent a link of her after she sang one of my songs at Bootcamp and I have been watching her ever since.
"Tamera looks great, she has an amazing voice and she has just the right amount of attitude."
She believes Simon Cowell, 54, will sign up the 16-year-old hopeful – even if she loses the competition. "Simon is a smart guy," she says. "He will know she can sell records all around the world and will sign her to his label."
And Rihanna doesn't think Tamera's controversial past – she has tweeted about drug taking, was caught shoplifting and cautioned by police for attacking another girl – will affect record sales.
"I don't think it matters Tamera has made one or two mistakes in her past," she adds "Show me someone who hasn't and I will show you a liar."
You said it, RiRi!
Monday, 11 November 2013
I’ll solve security problem in Anambra within 100 days in office says chris Ngige.According to a report from the vanguard;The governorship candidate of the All Progressive Congress, APC, senator Chris Ngige yesterday said he would tackle head long the vexed issue of security in the state within the first 100 days in office if voted as the next governor of the state come November 16.
Speaking with Vanguard, Ngige regretted that in the past eight years of the present administration there had been unprecedented cases of various crimes ranging from kidnapping, armed robbery among others in the state that were not witnessed during his tenure as governor of the state.Citing section 2(14) of the 1999 Constitution Ngige said the government of Mr Peter Obi had failed in the cardinal and fundamental duty of governance.
Besides,he said he would boost graduate employment by creating agricultural settlement that would employ thousands of young graduates and further improve the power situation through procuring independent power plants, IPP to generate power for the State.
In the curative approach, Ngige pledged to synchronise the security system to enable the Vigilante Services and the Nigeria Police work together seamlessly.
Ngige who is also a member of the Senate Committee on Police Affairs threw his weight behind the age long demand for state police by some section of Nigerians.
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